The Recipe Keeper V2.55 Please note: If you have been using the earlier versions of this program, then you may want to delete some of the personal attributes that you may have added. I changed around many of the items from one group to the next. I almost doubled the number or entries in a few of the attributes. There is now a function to help you remove your added attributes, its under Options|Change Personal Attributes Also I know of 1 bug in the program: When you have the Delete a Recipe by Name window open and press F1 for help, it displays the help file of Edit a Recipe. Note: If you press the Help Button the correct help topic is displayed. The problem only happens when you press F1. To install the recipe keeper simply unzip all the files into a directory. Run "setup.exe" this will install and setup the program for you. The setup program will ask if you want to put the icon in program manager and will also ask if you want to associate the files rkp. This will allow you to double click a recipe to automaticaly load the file with the Recipe Keeper. Or else just put all the file: reckeep.exe, rechelp.hlp, and readme.txt into the same directory. This program is freeware. However, I do ask one thing in return: That you will give me some info on the program: comments, concerns, suggestions, questions, etc... The only way to get a hold of me is my e-mail address: If you give me a question I'll do my best to reply. I would really appreciate any and all information on the program to help me when I revise it for windows 95. (and also better versions for win 3.x) You can give the program to anyone you want, just please don't modify the code and keep all three files: reckeep.exe, rechelp.hlp, and readme.txt together. There is also an ini file in the windows directory. If you want to save any modifications to the recipe keeper when you pass it on, you must include the ini file. Thanks to all who have sent me messages. Shane Tangen Version History 1.00: The first. Pretty bad honestly. 1.05: Added an install program. Minor bugs fixed. 1.50: Added two features: Copy from Clipboard into Add Recipe Dialog. Display all the recipes after opening a file. Install will not overwrite a previous ini file on later installs. Clean up the errors of the help file. 2.00: Allows a partial and full name search. Removed case sensitivity. Fixed the time format of '0:00' as put in on add Recipe Dialog. Does not remove current search list if any of the following are searched for and not found: name, special, or ingredient, any longer. The Special search now allows an ingredient as one of the attributes that can be searched for. There is now a recipe number. The recipe number can be used for searching. The recipe number is used to differentiate recipes when they have the same exact name. This is for delete and edit. Put in a couple more checks for bad input passing, with a graceful termination. Now the program will ask for saving if there were modifications, or ask to edit if there were no modifications. Cleaned up more misspellings and grammatical errors. 2.05: Now will save the old file if there were modifications on open and save Fixed the Save As memu command's enable/disable New, exit, and open will require you to save if you asked to save when the files have been modified, but try to hit cancel in the save dialog. Now lists the current recipe file in the main window's title along with the name of the program. 2.50 New, edit, and open will act correctly when a save is specified. Has the last 5 opened files in the File memu. Under the Exit command. Watches the max number of recipes. This will stop errors when the limit of the data structure (TList) has been reached. Now at 16380 recipes. This may change with Delphi for Win95 version 2.0 . Can save the current location and size if you want. Can have the edit and add recipe window has the same size as the main window. Edit and delete the current recipe listed in the main window. Allows a default start up file if you want. The ingredient and direction now have the editability of notepad. Fixed the problem of when the program is in the root directory where the help file would not be found. The name is 40 characters long. Has import a file: Plain ASCII. Formatted ASCII. Old Recipe Keeper files. The 4 input and output Meal Master files. Allows two different font sizes. Better printing ability. Can add a recipe file to the current file. Add/Remove your personal attributes. Search by name, Edit by name, and delete by name now list all the recipe names. Copy from clipboard text and formatted added. Set printer font type and size. Fixed problems with printing. Added a accelerator key for each command. Added goto begining and ending recipe of search list. Condenced the program by around 30 percent. 2.55 Fixed a help file location problem. Hourglass for all intensive activities. 3.00 We'll see.